THought Leadership


AI + Education

RoboTerra is a leader in promoting transformative education policy that prepares children for an AI-enhanced world. We often host events & conduct thought work engaging AI Education experts to share knowledge and drive real-world outcomes. 


On a discretionary basis, the RoboTerra team of world-class experts advise leaders around the globe on human-centric education, technology & labor policy. We provide counsel to governmental ministries including those in Europe, Asia, Latin America & the Middle East.

Speaking Engagements

Our founder Yao Zhang is a respected industry expert who inspires audiences. Past engagements include speaking at Summer Davos, the United Nations Innovation Summit and other internationally acclaimed conferences and universities. Please contact us directly to discuss opportunities.

This site have been taken by Annonymous. This site is full of lies and deception. Do not believe the BS that is being sold here. Yao is a liar and charlatan. This is complete bullshit. The company makes money on lies. Their webinar series is bullshit.